Events and Exhibitions


Past Events and Exhibitions

9 November 2016, 09:30 to 16:30

Fieldwork Photography Symposium is a free one day event held at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston UK. It is made up of a series of talks by photographic practitioners on the this years theme of the urban image. The talks start at 9.30 and end at 4.30 with time for breaks, discussion, networking and lunch. The talks will take place in Greenbank Lecture Theatre on the main campus.

15 May 2015 to 17 May 2015

In line with the Best of Britannia (BOB) Mission Statement the BOB team announces BOB North. 

A collective of UCLan students, graduates, staff and former staff will be contributing to the BOB North event. The UCLan space will consist of installations, activities and performances in architectural technology, fine art, photography, applied arts, fashion styling, dance, monologues, poetry, rap, samba drumming and design for sport and rehabilitation.


Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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