Events and Exhibitions


Past Events and Exhibitions

25 January 2013 to 20 March 2013

Foam presents the first 3h exhibition of the new year, 'Me & My Models', by Jan Hoek.

Jan Hoek has photographed amateur models, mentally ill homeless people in Africa, an attention-seeking girl with no arms and legs, a heroin addict who dreams of being a model, or people he has simply found in advertisements on the internet. The photo shoot is never what he expected, model and photographer always have different expectations.

25 January 2013 to 17 March 2013

Foam and Toneelgroep Amsterdam present 'inbetweens', an exhibition by Jan Versweyveld.

Since 2001 Versweyveld has worked as scenographer, and since 2005 as house photographer, of The Netherlands’ biggest theatre repertoire company, Toneelgroep Amsterdam. The exhibition at Foam is part of Toneelgroep Amsterdam’s 25th anniversary year.

25 January 2013 to 17 March 2013

One Group Show is the first major solo exhibition by Dutch photographer duo, WassinkLundgren. This exhibition will present a broad overview of their work, including projects shown for the first time.

The work of WassinkLundgren develops from small observations or humorous twists of situations from everyday life. Their starting point is always a social interest in the world around them, but equally interesting to them is how the medium of photography can deform reality.

26 October 2012 to 13 January 2013

Diane Arbus (1923–1971) revolutionized the art she practiced. Her bold subject matter and photographic approach produced a body of work that is often shocking in its purity, in its steadfast celebration of things as they are.

This exhibition of two hundred photographs affords an opportunity to explore the origins, scope, and aspirations of a wholly original force in photography. It includes all of the artist’s iconic photographs as well as many that have never before been exhibited in the Netherlands.

29 June 2012 to 14 October 2012

Album Beauty is an ode to the vanishing era of the photo album as told through the collection of Erik Kessels (1966, The Netherlands).

29 June 2012 to 2 September 2012

In the project La Madre, photographer and filmmaker Petra Noordkamp (1967) shows her most recent, not previously exhibited work.

The impetus for La Madre was Noordkamp's short relationship in the mid-1990s with Emilio Quaroni, son of the well-known Italian architect and urban planner Ludovico Quaroni.

29 June 2012 to 29 August 2012

Rico Scagliola (1985, Switzerland) and Michael Meier (1982, Switzerland) have taken pictures and have filmed teenagers for more than two years, creating their archive of photographs and videos of today's Facebook generation.

Images from this archive have been combined into an installation called Double Extension Beauty Tubes. More than a thousand pictures are being presented in a dark space on ten iPads.

8 June 2012 to 22 August 2012

This summer Foam presents a major exhibition of work by Ron Galella, pioneer of paparazzi photography.

The exhibition features photos of stars including Mick Jagger, Jackie Onassis, Greta Garbo, Brigitte Bardot, Marlon Brando, Andy Warhol, Sean Penn, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Penélope Cruz and many more. These photos have appeared in magazines such as Life, Time, Rolling Stone, Vogue and Vanity Fair.

5 November 2011 to 7 December 2011

Four concepts, four guest curators, four visionary presentations and one museum in which they all come together.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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