Redeye is keen to list all kinds of photographic news, events, shows, opportunities and services.

Please note that for the time being we will need to approve you to submit items to the site. Send us a quick message via the contact form below; it's normally done in 24 hours. You also need to be registered and logged in.

Which category should you use?

  • Events: short-term photographic events such as meetings, talks, workshops and masterclasses, conferences, debates and discussions, fairs and trade shows, festivals, and outdoor gatherings.
  • Exhibitions: any photographic shows or exhibitions.
  • Opportunities: commissions, calls for submissions, competitions or earning opportunities.
  • News: anything which doesn't fit the above - announcements or happenings which will be of interest to photographers.

If you are a venue showing photography or hosting photographic events, please make sure you are listed under Venues.

If you are an organisation or company that provides a service to photographers, such as a college or training provider, darkroom or studio, information service, writer, lab, framer, hire service, model agency, magazine or publisher, please contact us through the contact form, email or phone.


We only list exhibitions which have a significant photographic content or connection, and are open to the public. There are no hard and fast rules about this, but for example we would probably list a show where a quarter of the work is photographic, but not where just 1 or 2% is. We might also list non-photographic work by a well-known photographer, or non-photographic work inspired by photography.

Please note each exhibition has its own page on Redeye's website, where you can include extended details; and a short version, consisting only of the title (shortened if necessary), a short summary, and a thumbnail image.

We reserve the right to edit or remove any text you supply. By entering text you confirm that the details are correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. See terms and conditions.

Please enter this information at least three weeks before you want your listing to appear. You must be logged in as a subscriber or member, and then you can submit your exhibition here.


We only list events which have a significant connection to photography, which are open to the public, and don’t take more than a few days. Events we list include networking meetings, walks, talks, workshops and masterclasses, conferences and symposia, debates and discussions, fairs and trade shows, festivals, and outdoor gatherings such as flashmobs and demonstrations.

At the moment we don't list longer courses, unless you have a special event - please add your course by submitting a link about your college or education facility.

Please note each event has its own page on Redeye's website, where you can include extended details; and a short version, consisting only of the title (shortened if necessary), the type of event, a short summary paragraph, and an optional thumbnail image.

We reserve the right to edit or remove any text you supply. By entering text you confirm that the details are correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. See terms and conditions.

Please enter this information at least three weeks before you want your listing to appear. You must be logged in as a subscriber or member, and then you can submit your event here.


We will list opportunities of use or interest to photographers such as commissions, calls for submissions, competitions or earning opportunities.

Please note each opportunity has its own page on Redeye's website, where you can include extended details; and a short version, consisting only of the headline, a short summary paragraph, and an optional thumbnail image.

Opportunities will generally only be put out to our members, unless you tick otherwise. We reserve the right to edit or remove any text you supply, and to decide who this information is sent out to. By entering text you confirm that the details are correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. See terms and conditions.

Please enter this information at least three weeks before you want your listing to appear. You must be logged in as a subscriber or member, and then you can submit your opportunity here.


We will list news stories of interest to photographers - announcements, happenings, special offers, etc.

Please note each news item has its own page on Redeye's website, where you can include extended details; and a short version, consisting only of the headline, a short summary paragraph, and an optional thumbnail image.

We reserve the right to edit or remove any text you supply. By entering text you confirm that the details are correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. See terms and conditions.

Although we hope to circulate news as soon as possible, if possible enter this information at least three weeks before you want your listing to appear. You must be logged in as a member of this website, and then you can submit your news story here.


You may create a new venue here if the place where your event or exhibition takes place is not already on our website.

If the venue is an outside space please include the nearest postcode.

Please check first that your venue is not listed.

We reserve the right to edit or remove any text you supply. By entering text you confirm that the details are correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. See terms and conditions.

Although we hope to publish details about the venue as soon as possible, if possible enter this information at least three weeks before you want your listing to appear. You must be logged in as a subscriber or member, and then you can submit your venue here.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2024 Redeye The Photography Network