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Weaving together extraordinary images, bio-medical research and individual testimonies, Lucida exposes the curious and complex relationship between the human eye, the brain and vision.

Working with a camera obscura, artist Suki Chan became intrigued by how our eyes receive images upside down, yet the brain processes and interprets them the correct way up. The mechanisms of our visual perception mean that at any given moment we actually see much less than we perceive. Our everyday experience of viewing a perfect and stable image of the world with ‘photographic’ detail is, in a certain sense, an illusion.

Viewers will be invited to use eye-tracking technology to reveal their own rapid eye movements - something we are normally unaware of. The multi-screen installation will reveal how visual information is modified and processed by the eye and the brain in real time.

Lucida was commissioned by the University of Salford Art Collection and the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) in partnership with the Centre for the Study of the Senses, University of London and Tintype Gallery. It is a touring exhibition that had its first iteration at Tintype, now showing at CFCCA, Manchester and later at Asia House, London with an event at Aspex in Portsmouth. An offshoot project Lucida III was commissioned by the Science Gallery in Dublin where it has been exhibited as part of Seeing (24 June – 22 October 2016).

For more information go here.

Image: Suki Chan, still from Lucida (2016). Image courtesy of the artist

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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