Everything - For - Effect

Stacey Calderwood, Tom Doogan, Joshua Fox, Alejandro Fidalgo Garcia, Chris Griffiths, Alison Hagger, Jay McCorkle, Emma McKay, Andy Moseley, Bori Pocz, Pati Poludniak, Louise Riozzi, Rachel Samuels, Andrea Smith, Germaine Smith, Yvonne Tyson
21 June 2012 to 24 June 2012
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An exhibition of work by the photography graduates at Stockport College, using the still and moving image to explore a range of themes, including the medium itself, which is in state of dynamic flux.
In collaboration with Manchester Museum, a number of students have used the Ancient Egyptian and Archaeology collection as a starting point for personal response, some of which depart radically from their inspiration.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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