5 July 2019 to 29 September 2019
MIF19 World Premiere: This installation reflects on the half-forgotten history of Ibrahim Mahama’s home country of Ghana, whose journey from British colony to independent nation was completed barely 60 years ago.

The heart of Parliament of Ghosts is a haunting assemblage of lost objects, rescued and repurposed to form a vast parliamentary chamber in the heart of the Whitworth. Abandoned train seats and faded railway sleepers, scrapped school furniture and documents from governmental archives: Mahama lends powerful new context to this residue from a nation in transition. Also encompassing photography, painting, sculpture, images and film, Parliament of Ghosts beautifully evokes the histories and memories of a country and its people asserting their independence.

The exhibition will be on 5 July – 29 September, and there is also the following event.

In Conversation: Ibrahim Mahama
Thursday 11 July, 7.30-8.15pm
Free, no need to book
Please arrive early as places for this event are limited

Join them for a unique In Conversation with artist Ibrahim Mahama and Alistair Hudson, Director of the Whitworth and Manchester Art Gallery.

For further information, click here.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network