First exhibited in Tokyo in 1979, Kohei Yoshiyuki’s (Japan, b. 1946) twin projects 'The Park' and 'Love Hotel' ignited furious debate about photography’s relationship with voyeurism and surveillance.

In The Park, as observer, and with his camera loaded with infrared flashbulbs and film, he photographed in three different Tokyo parks over several years. The resulting body of work captures heterosexual and homosexual couples engaged in sexual activity, and the peeping toms who stalked them.

Alongside The Park Open Eye presents a selection of works from Yoshiyuki’s companion series Love Hotel (1978). These photographs are taken from sex tapes made by the clients of an infamous Tokyo book-by-the-hour hotel.

This is the first UK solo exhibition of Kohei Yoshiyuki and forms part of Liverpool Biennial 2012 – The Unexpected Guest.

Image: courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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