5 March 2019 to 27 April 2019

You are invited to the opening night of the Loved&Lost exhibition at Manchester Cathedral on Tuesday 5 March.

A selection of stories from the Loved&Lost project will be exhibited in print and displayed on a screen. The evening will also mark the unveiling of a new installation above the Cathedral's high alter, by the Cathedral's Artist-in-Residence, Stephen Raw.

Loved&Lost is a documentary project by Manchester-based artist Simon Bray that invites participants to explore their experience of loss. Each participant is asked to find a photograph of themselves with their lost loved one. We return to the location of the original photograph to replicate the image and record an interview. You can find out more about the project here.

Loved&Lost has recently been featured on BBC Breakfast TV, BBC News Front Page, The Guardian, Positive News, and has previously exhibited at Oriel Colwyn.

Both the Loved&Lost exhibition and Stephen Raw's installation will run for the duration of Lent and will be accessible in accordance with prior arranged Cathedral services and events.

The event on Tuesday 5 March is FREE ENTRY. Please feel free to bring guests but, do register through Eventbrite.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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