12 January 2018 to 25 March 2018
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The Mersey Ferries operate between Liverpool and the Wirral peninsula. Photographer Tom Wood lived in New Brighton for 25 years, and for most days throughout the 70s and 80s he crossed the river. Whilst waiting for the ferry to arrive or crossing the river, he took photographs.

These images, selected from 1000s of rolls of film, form The Pier Head – Tom Wood. They will be shown just two minutes away from the Pier Head terminal itself. Most of the images are being shown in the UK for the first time.

The Pier Head – Tom Wood is accompanied by a project called Ferry Folk, from artist and producer Liz Wewiora. Working with Merseytravel as their artist-in-residence, she has been carrying out a socially engaged photography project on board the Mersey ferry and around the ferry terminals.

The collaborative work she has produced features photographs and anecdotes that tell the stories of the commuters, tourists and staff on board the Mersey Ferry. Various work from this project will be shown in three places: outside Open Eye Gallery, at Museum of Liverpool and digitally showcased on PhotoStories, Open Eye Gallery’s open platform for photographers.

Dates: 11th January - 25th March 2018

Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

More information can be found here

Photo: Seacombe Ferry, From ‘The Pier Head’ Series, 1985. © Tom Wood

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
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