18 May 2013 to 15 June 2013
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Possessed, a participatory art project for LOOK/13, explores the role of possession within the context of life histories and the role of the photograph as significant archival document. Inviting the public to join in, the exhibition will act as a participatory swap shop, offering photos in exchange for possessions.

Possessions and objects have a variety of roles, some of which are purely functional, others are deeply linked with our idea of self. What do these objects represent and say about us?

Using both photography and moving image, the group explores the role of possession within the context of their own life histories and the role of the photograph as significant archival document. Inviting the public to join in, the exhibition will act as a participatory swap shop, offering photos in exchange for possessions. Liberation or painful process, you decide. The photographic images will be displayed online and within the space. Any possession we receive will be donated to charity after the exhibition.

Based in the UK, Yujiang and Sarah work with mixed media, painting, moving image and photography. As part of LOOK/13 (Liverpool International Photography Festival), both artists come together to explore the relationship of identity and possessions. You can see more of their work here: www.sarahfaraday.co.uk and www.xaphire.de.

Swap shops take place on 18, 19, 22, 29 May and 9 June 2013.

Project: possessed2013.wordpress.com
Twitter: @possessed2013
Facebook: facebook.com/possessed2013
Email: possessed2013@gmail.com

This collaborative photography project is a result of the Redeye Lightbox programme.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network