Hidden is an ongoing series of photographic tableaux by internationally acclaimed Artist and a founder of Rock Against Racism, Red Saunders.

The Hidden Project shines photographic light on great moments in the long struggle of working people for democracy and social justice. Through reimagining those events, the aim of the project is to reproduce important historic scenes involving the dissenters, revolutionaries, radicals and non-conformists who have so often been hidden from history.

On 16 August 1819, Manchester’s Yeomanry Cavalry rode into thousands of unarmed protesters who were campaigning for political representation. They killed 18 and injured over 650 people. Journalists called the massacre Peterloo after Waterloo, where four years earlier British forces had won a famous battle against Napoleon. Peterloo was the war on the home front – it was a war on the emerging working class movement.

Hidden is a not-for-profit venture, so they are looking for people and organisations who believe in the importance of art and peoples culture in today’s society to get involved and help realise the project. To see a clip of Red and the project, and to make a donation, click here.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2024 Redeye The Photography Network