Our pick of the photos submitted for the seventh week of the 52 Weeks at Redeye challenge on Flickr - images responding to the title Suited and Booted. Chosen by Redeye's Paul Herrmann and Adam Lee.

"Suited and booted" is one of those alliterative expressions that seems to drop a hint you can't quite put your finger on. Military overtones with possibly a dash of empire. Demobbed soldiers in their first office job. Mods and Teddy Boys dressed to kill, or at least hurt. Now though, the phrase is often preceded by the word "all" with a hint of, if not sarcasm, at least a raised eyebrow. Somebody is perhaps a little overdressed for the occasion.

Two stars of English photography, or in this case perhaps visual etymology if there is such a thing, photographer Peter Dench and publisher Craig Atkinson of Café Royal Books, have put together a small book that gives the phrase new richness. Yards of grey gabardine seek to atone for a multitude of indiscretions. How far can people go before the suits and boots lose their normalising role and just look daft?

But you opened out the subject further. The sharp suits of Suits don't get a look in. The suits and boots we saw are part of people's personalities. A bit short, but look at those colours (Gordon Jackson). Huge and hanging on (plot19). Shiny and gregarious (Hey, take my picture by Shirley Bainbridge). Missing altogether (Carolemon 2010's Photo-opportunity).

Our joint top choices this week are both great portraits where the suit (and boots) play a key part: Northernfacephoto's ticket inspector on the East Lancs Railway, and eyecandyclick's Back Street Kid, who's good to go.

Credits: Top of page: Northernfacephoto. Below, from top: eyecandyclick, Shirley Bainbridge, Gordon Jackson. Thanks to everyone who submitted.


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