New Mindsets in Photography

26 November 2013, 19:00 to 21:00

With the rise of the digital, photography has changed dramatically. Image making, sharing and education have developed to a point where we could all be considered photographers, publishers and educators in a landscape that is defined by mass communication and participation. To help navigate this new creative environment, Redeye presents a networking event with Jonathan Shaw, researcher at the Centre for Disruptive Media and author of an upcoming book published by GRAIN on the subject of connecting through photography.

Jonathan's book project explores ideas on 21st Century photography through a series of conversations with key and influential voices, discussing the transformations, challenges and perhaps more importantly the possibilities for photography and photography education in the post-digital era.

At this event Jonathan talks about his work with the Centre for Disruptive Media , experiments with Social Media and Open Education including the misnomer that is the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), co-founding picbod and phonar open photography classes, as well as the forthcoming book.

This is followed by a panel discussion on the issues raised, with contributions from Dewi Lewis (owner of Dewi Lewis Publishing) and Jim Ralley (from Hyper Island - leaders in real world, connected lifelong learning), chaired by Redeye’s Paul Herrmann.

This event provides essential information for students of and educators in photography and beyond. More importantly, it seeks to provide an open space where the photographic community can come together to share thoughts and collectively create new forms of knowledge on photography.

Jonathan Shaw

Jonathan Shaw is the Associate Head of Media Department (Innovation, Profile & Research) at Coventry University. As a photographer, his work has been published alongside photographic pioneers such as Muybridge and Edgerton. Jonathan led the team which pioneered free and open photography educational resources at Coventry University; the classes & have been accessed by thousands of people worldwide; the apps developed have been called groundbreaking; the Photographic Mediations collection he curates on iTunesU has just surpassed its millionth listen.

As an Adobe Education Leader, Jonathan forms part of their worldwide community championing creativity in education. He was awarded a Direct Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society for his achievements in the field of photography, and a Fellowship of the RSA, in recognition of his work in photography education practices.

Venue and Timing

The talk will take place at The Egg Suite, The University of Salford, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2HE. Entry is via a side door in Orange Tower (Prezzo). There are regular trams to MediaCityUK from Manchester city centre. If coming by car there is parking at The Lowry Outlet Mall and The Garage (Broadway). For more information and to plan your journey, please visit the University of Salford website

Places are free but booking is essential. To book your place, please click Register Now below.

Donations: please consider clicking one of the donation tickets when registering – this helps Redeye to fund events such as this.

[img_assist|nid=10387|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=220|height=150]Doors open at 19:00 for refreshments and networking with the talk starting at 19:15 and the panel debate at 20:00. The event will finish at around 21:00. 

Redeye would like to thank the University of Salford for hosting this event.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network