Friday, September 30, 2011 - 00:00

As part of the Chapel Street Open in November 2011. The manchester modernist society, publishers of the modernist magazine will launch a modernist ‘pop up’ shop at 142 Chapel Street, Salford.

The shop will feature artist/designer made products with a ‘modernist’ flavour or reference to the modernist design ethos.

We also seek work with a reference to architecture and the built environment, possibly but not limited to a reference to the North of England - plus we also have an interest in fonts and typography.

We are seeking artists prints, magazines, graphics, posters, artist books, art, illustrations, maps, stationary, ceramics – anything really that will suit our modernist theme.

We will offer products for sale on a sale or return basis and will take a 1/3 commission on any sales.

We expect to retain the products for 3 months – during the autumn to Christmas period (and may negotiate additional stock or to extend this period if we decide to continue the project into 2012.)

If you wish your work to be considered for inclusion, please send digital images and a little bit of information about yourself and your work to us via e-mail. Initial deadline for submissions – 30th September 2011

Please include dimensions, materials, title etc. and a price at which you expect the item to retail.

Please e-mail – modernist(at)

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network