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Friday, May 31, 2013 - 00:00

Could you give up something important to you in exchange for a photograph? Here's an opportunity to get involved in a collaborative project looking at identity as part of the LOOK/13 photography festival.

The challenge – which of your possessions could you accept giving up if, in exchange, you could have a photograph of that object as a reminder? Is it enough to simply have a photograph of the possession and, if not, why not? Would it change who you were if you no longer had this possession or it was exchanged into photographic form? Would you feel the same about the photograph as you did about the object?

As part of the LOOK/13 photography festival in May 2013 the project Possessed will have a live space in Liverpool which will act as a kind of swap shop. The space will be used to display images of possessions we have given up. People will be challenged to give up their objects/possessions to be displayed in photographic form within the space. If people are prepared to give up a valued possession, they will receive a photograph and the image will also be displayed online and within the space. Any possession we receive will be donated to charity.

By way of a warm-up, the project invites you to send a photo to their website or via Twitter.
Details here:

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