Update: a few people have asked us for a bit longer to choose a photo. We've amended the deadline to submit one to 9am on Monday 29th June.

Do you have a photograph - by anyone - that you'd like to speak about for one minute?

It could be an image by a photographer you like or admire, a photograph you've studied, a picture you've taken, or something from an archive that means something to you.

If so, join us at Open Eye Gallery, where we encourage everyone attending to talk for one minute each about a photograph that holds personal signficance. Redeye and Open Eye staff will take part, friends, photographers - and you!

You don't have to be a photographer, or have any specialist photography knowledge to take part. You just need to have one photograph, digital or printed, that means something to you. 

To join the event, and hear others talk about their 'one photograph', firstly register below, then follow the instructions to submit a photograph.

If you'd rather just listen that's OK too. But if the event fills up, seating will be reserved for those showing a photograph.

Please consider making an optional donation when you register - this helps us to put more events on in the future.

Doors open at 18:00. The event starts at 18:30.

Submitting a photograph

After you've registered, please let us know what image you will be showing. Click here to email onephoto@redeye.org.uk by 9:00 on 29 June 2015 with the following details:

1) Your name

2) The full credit for the image (ie creator's name plus image title if relevant, or any other accreditation required)

3) then EITHER 

  A) include a link to the image online - needs to be at least 900 pixels in the longer dimension, ideally larger;

OR  B) attach a JPEG image at least 1400 pixels wide or 1050 high, with confirmation that you are the copyright holder, or that you have the copyright holder's permission to display the image at a public event;

OR  C) confirm in the email that you will bring a print (at least A4 in size) with you on the evening, and have the copyright holder's permission to show it in public.

If you change your mind about the photo you want to show, just let us know the same way before the deadline.

Inclusion and usage of photos

Please note we will not be able to include an image if the above details are not supplied. We cannot guarantee to show any image, and may exclude an image on grounds of quality or legality. No payment will be made for showing images (if an image is in the public domain (ie on the internet) we are able to display it for purposes of criticism and review without payment).

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2024 Redeye The Photography Network