Most clicked photo news in 2015

Which photography news did you find most interesting in 2015? Reflecting on the year, we've pulled together the stories from around the web you viewed, shared, and clicked on most from Redeye's tweets.


2015 began with some bad news as significant cuts were announced to the Library of Birmingham causing hundreds to lose their jobs, and photography hub Grain to lose their connection to the Library's archives. In January, the British Photographic Council wrote a letter to Birmingham City Council, in response to the cuts: 

A letter to Birmingham City Council

In February, the World Press Photography awards were announced and here Creative Review provided a selection of their favourites ...

World Press Photo 2015

... though this year wasn’t without controversy, as one of the prizes was later revoked for a misleading image caption:

World Press Photo Revokes Prize

2015 saw the continuing huge growth in photobooks, and in March Liz Jobey of the Financial Times attempted to rationalize this phenomenon with her article:

Why photobooks are booming in the digital age

But later in the year, publisher Dewi Lewis urged caution, quoted in this Time article:

Why this is not the golden age for photobooks

In May, photography Mary Ellen Mark passed away, leaving a significant body of documentary and portraiture work behind as her legacy. This selection of images on the Guardian proved to be a popular homage to the life and work of the well loved photographer:

Mary Ellen Mark: Legendary photographer in pictures

Also in May, Vogue published a reflective piece of Sally Mann, after the release of her memoir Hold Still:

After Sally Mann’s Memoir, a New Look at Her Most Famous Photographs

As more photographers realise the benefits of unsing Instagram, in this article Another Mag set out to demonstrate Instagram's benefits for young artists:

How Instagram has become every young artist's secret weapon

Amid continued debates on the changing ways we engage with photography in the digital age, David Campbell published an interesting thought-piece considering why the ‘image flood’ is a misleading metaphor:

Abundant photography: the misleading metaphor of the image flood

In November, advice pieces started to pop up, with a selection of photographers giving their opinion on photography competitions on the NYTimes Lens blog:

Who Wins in Photo Contests?

The Photographers Gallery released a short video giving advice to those preparing porfolios for photographer FE and HE courses:

Preparing a Portfolio

And Christian Payne rounded up advice from a variety of photographers on how to get new work:

How Photographers Can Cut Through the Noise 

This article with conflict photographer Don McCullin in conversation with Michael Kamber was one of the most viewed and shared posts:

Don McCullin at War

And the following interviews with Charlotte Cotton, Francis Hodgson and Christiane Monarchi continue to be popular with our users:

Diane Smyth interviews Charlotte Cotton

Gemma Padley interviews Francis Hodgson

Paul Herrmann interviews Christiane Monarchi 


Finally, one of Redeye's most popular blog posts in 2015 was our Top 10 Marketing Tips for Photographers and Artists. For 2016 we've been gathering advice from a number of prominent photographers, to be posted on the blog in early January. Keep an eye on the opinion page of our website for further details. 


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