*Important - if you submitted an application and didn't get an email confirmation, please get in touch with Redeye, either via the contact form or by phoning 0161 833 9993.*
Application forms are uploaded as separate documents at the bottom of this listing.
Redeye introduces Lightbox Plus: an intensive week of ideas and training to take your professionalism to the next level: Monday 2 to Friday 6 September 2019.
If you are already achieving success as a working photographer, artist or producer, Lightbox Plus has been tailored to help you progress further.
The next level can mean different things to different people.
- How can you become a leader in your field?
- How might your work have greater resonance and impact?
- How can you build better networks, partnerships and clients?
- How can you access the most inspiring and ambitious commissions?
- How can you influence developments in the sector?
- How can you achieve more creative success without compromising your income?
This week-long course in September is the gateway to exploring these issues whilst being able to experience them with peers at a similar stage. We aim to equip you with skills and knowledge to progress individually, but also to thrive within this group – a long-lasting support network for you to give to and take from.
The course is delivered by leading figures in the worlds of photography, the arts, business, marketing and politics.
A wide range of speakers will offer expertise in how to work across disciplines or internationally, scale work up to gain a broader reach, and develop leadership skills. Speakers include:
- Ethical design agency Creative Concern’s Managing Director, Chris Dessent
- Open Eye Gallery’s Director, Sarah Fisher
- Laura Noble, collector, author and gallerist
- John Williams, arts consultant and Chair of the Millennium Quarter in Manchester
- Head of Culture Partnerships at GREAT Britain, DCMS, Anna Maloney
- Photographer, curator, editor and lecturer, Zelda Cheatle
- Artist, curator, practitioner and Photographic Collections Network Manager, Debbie Adele Cooper
Further speakers will be confirmed over the next month.
During 2-6 September, Redeye will guide you to think bigger and show you how to be an inspiring leader, capable of transforming superb ideas into reality.
You’re already making good work. Increase your power. Join us to become one of the next generation of creative producers.
Course fees (inc VAT):
Full: £275
Bursary: £225 / £175 - check out the 'Bursary form' document at the bottom of this page for further details
We ask for a £50 non-refundable deposit at the time of being offered a place (by mid-July 2019).
Balance due by Monday 26 August 2019.
Who should attend and eligibility
The course is open to all previous participants of Redeye Lightbox, or its equivalents (summer school and exhibition workshops); but also to other photographers, photographic artists, producers, curators or educators with a track record of exhibiting or publishing work, delivering events or training in the UK.
Please reference in the application form any of the following that applies to you, and give brief details:
- Have had a successful project grant e.g. Arts Council England application
- Have exhibited publicly in the UK
- Have had work published or similarly distributed
- Have worked collaboratively on a project with a public outcome
- Have started earning in a creative career
- Have worked as an educator or trainer
- Have an interest in improvements to the photography sector
NB You don't have to fulfil all seven criteria.
We also require a nomination from a colleague who knows you well and is aware of your potential, explaining why they think you are right for this course. We recommend the length of this as no more than one side of A4.
If for any reason your nomination is delayed, please inform us at the time of application; it will not necessarily prevent your application being considered.
Full details are on the application form; please check you have answered all the questions.
Deadline for applications:
Monday 8 July 2019, 9:30am
Please return the completed application form, accompanying images and your nomination to submissions@redeye.org.uk
If applying for a bursary, please also complete and return a Lightbox Plus 2019 Bursary Application to the same date and email address.
You should receive an automatic reply acknowledging your application within a few minutes; if not, please contact us via the contact page on this website.
If you have any questions about the course or the application process please email lightbox@redeye.org.uk
Applications for the Lightbox Plus course will be assessed by Redeye staff and board.
We aim to notify applicants (with feedback if unsuccessful) by week commencing Monday 15 July 2019.
Lightbox Plus is particularly aimed at anyone who has made some progress in their career but wants to get a bit further. If any of the following apply to you, you should find it useful:
- There's an area of work I would like to move into, but I'm not sure how
- I'd like to set up a new project
- I'm looking to work more internationally
- I'd like to increase the impact of my work
- I'm interested in collaborative or cross-disciplinary work
- I'd like my career to be more coherent and focused.
No, we welcome people of any age.
The regular Lightbox is a course that lasts 9 to 12 months. If you see yourself wanting to spend some time developing your own work further, get into the exhibiting world for the first time, or start to collaborate and build confidence, then the Lightbox course is very suitable. The next one will return in 2020-21. It's very roughly the equivalent of a Masters, although non-academic and more practical. You can find out more about Lightbox in the video we made from the last one in 2017-18: bit.ly/Lightbox2017
Lightbox Plus is a new course focused on development and leadership. So it's particularly suitable if you see yourself working at a greater scale or internationally, setting up new projects, or having more of an influence on the industry or sector. It's much shorter at only a week long, though we will follow up with participants. If you are confident in your existing work, open-minded and keen for change and development, then it will be a good fit. It's the rough equivalent of something like a Clore short course but focussed on photography.
To try and make it even simpler:
• If you want to focus on your photography, your work processes and practice, and try collaborating – then choose Lightbox.
• If you want to focus on leadership and opportunities in a changing world, then go for Lightbox Plus.
Throughout the week we will have inspirational guest speakers, workshops, visits and feedback sessions. We want you to end the week with a personal and workable career plan based on what you have heard; so we will introduce that on the Monday then devote a longer session on the final day to completing your plan. The middle three days are themed around different areas of work and are structured as "insider" guides - finding out how things really work and how to build traction and influence.
Monday: introduction; your career plan; the idea and issues of leadership.
Tuesday: inside the arts and creative worlds.
Wednesday: inside politics, sponsorship and philanthropy.
Thursday: international and interdisciplinary work, and collaboration.
Friday: Developing your plan of action.
It can be anyone who knows you or your work; perhaps a colleague, or someone you have worked or studied with. If you are struggling to get this, please apply by the deadline anyway and follow up with the nomination as soon as possible afterwards.
Yes, that's fine. We plan to send you notes if you have to miss one of the days for any reason.