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Berwick Visual Arts in partnership with the NEPN and Document Scotland invite early and mid-career photographers from North-East England and the Scottish Borders for a portfolio and project mentoring session.

The session will provide critical advice in a supportive and informal environment. Bring along your portfolio or work in development in physical prints or on laptop to discuss with fellow photographers and artists and members of Document Scotland, Berwick Visual Arts and NEPN.  

There is a maximum of 6 participants for this event and an application process in place. Applicants should submit 1 page (max.) artist statement, including brief description of the project or work they would like to discuss, biography and a link to their work.  Please submit applications here by 21 April 2017. 

More information can be found here.

Photo Credit: Jon Richardson, known as Gaius Iulius Raeticus, Glasgow (detail), 2013 ©Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert / courtesy Impressions Gallery

Part of the Northern Summer of Photography - Find out more here.

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