Who are you?
My name is Daniel McCormick as a student at the University of Cumbria. I have a varying style of photography however I mainly produce bodies of work that look at society’s influence on the media.
Tell us about the project you presented at Hothouse
The project What’s On Your Mind? looks at the content people post on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. I promised to hide people’s identity and asked them, in return, to disclose information that they wouldn’t share on Facebook. The results were a lot better than I ever anticipated.
Tell us about your experience presenting at Hothouse
Although extremely nerve racking for myself I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my work and I have received very good feedback from both attendees and my own university lecturers regarding my presentation.
What are you up to now?
I am just about to complete university and will be exhibiting another body of work at the University of Cumbria’s Brampton Road Campus in Carlisle along with 17 other students. I also run an online blog with two friends called Stopbath Reviews and I am actively helping with the Carlisle Photo Festival.
Our next Hothouse event takes place on the 18th June in Manchester. If you are interested in presenting a project or body of work, find out more about the application process here.