Our pick of the photos submitted for the fourth week of the 52 Weeks at Redeye challenge on Flickr - images responding to the title Taking My Time. Chosen by Redeye's Paul Herrmann

Joel Meyerowitz's dad, who, as it happens, was a champion boxer, told his son: "pay attention - the world is going to tell you about itself." Joel met the photographer Robert Frank, watched him work, and started to understand the rhythm of working as a photographer, timing his photographs to match movements, gestures and particularly expressive moments. The title of his book, Taking My Time, is really a description of how he works. It's worth a look at the web page for the book, firstly because there's some fascinating video interviews with Joel, and secondly, because the book costs £500 so you're probably going to want to find out a bit more about it.

On to the work submitted on our Flickr group. There were quite a few nice images of "Taking It Easy", which is not quite the same thing as "Taking My Time". Humans have the ability to get comfortable in some unlikely places. Hard-looking benches and steps figured frequently. Johnshinnick's bearded young man appears to have no trouble relaxing or even sleeping on an uncomfortable-looking rock, presumably thanks to some grippy shoes. His position is positively luxurious compared to Sofia Yu's Diana, curled up awkwardly on a rock in a river. But when you read about Diana's story, the picture seems less about "taking my time" than "powerless to act". By contrast, one of Sofia's other images, a silhouetted figure in a hammock on Tioman Island, might be the ultimate chill out. Ooh, I could be there in … let's see … about 40 hours. For not much more than the cost of two copies of Taking My Time"… Andy Duncan's beach is the almost-as-exotic Formby, with a hardy couple taking their time to lay out rugs in just the right spot. "A mixture of the eccentric and the epic", as one comment puts it (below).


Dogs and children everywhere take their time, to owners' and parents' frustration. Mutley, owner of Chapmanc123, stands in Market Street asking to be patted. "If he can't eat it or mount it, he pees on it", we're told. Quite. I think the case you make for dog ownership needs a little more work. Lyndaha has caught a perfect moment of a rushing family being held up by a child taking its time. The White Rabbit, who himself is late for everything, stands by pointing at his watch. What a great example of an open image, asking questions about what is not in the frame. The image is called, of course "Please don't dawdle Alice, we're very late indeed." (top of page)

Nature takes its time. Steverouse42's Snail Trails on a car could almost be a knot of roots. Where were they going and what did they find so interesting about this spot? I like Sandra Dalton's rusty tins (or maybe it's one from both sides?) making a heart-shape when brought together.

A few odd ones that made me smile. Or groan, in the case of David Coles, who showed a woman taking her thyme. Still, it's a healthy-looking plant. He redeems himself with a nice portrait called "Nine Months" - though is showing the heavily pregnant woman at the top of a staircase leading into a dark hole the symbolism intended? Gordon Jackson turns up again, in the bath (below). A blue duck stares back at him. Meanwhile, there had to be one, Clwpicture2012 is taking his time on the other side of the bathroom. You'd only put the mug on top of the roll if you really were there for a while. Cherry_Cola has taken her time to look at her things through a kaleidoscope - extra credit for resisting the digital route to this kind of image.


I like the images showing characters steadfastly going at their own pace. Carol_wiv_an_e has a nice picture of a road sweeper having a quick look at what (possibly) someone else has discarded as rubbish - hopefully not a picture that will get him in trouble, as given the mountain of sacks behind he's clearly been at work for some time. But my favourite along these lines (bottom of page) is by our own moderator Shirley Bainbridge - a wonderfully-observed moment of an older man taking his time out shopping in Piccadilly, Manchester; his neat grey clothes offset by the purple flowers on the trolley, while other pedestrians walk by in a blur. What's really neat about this shot is that the older man is slightly blurry himself, just a bit less so that the other people - a great way to illustrate the relative pace.

Joint top honours this week to Lyndaha and Shirley Bainbridge. Shirley had no say in this selection - I hope people will agree it's a great image. And apologies from me for taking my time somewhat on this piece - it's been a busy week but we will do our best to catch up. Please keep the images coming and remember to use the tags 52 Weeks at Redeye and the exact title, to maximise your chance of being found.


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