Ffotogallery wish to appoint an enthusiastic and committed individual to assist the Education Programme for Diffusion Festival.
The main responsibilities include co-ordinating workshop practicalities and assisting workshops; supporting live guides; organising and delivering festival tours; managing online content; booking events; undertaking any other front of house or administrative duties to ensure smooth running of the festival education programme.
The ideal candidate must have a degree level qualification in photography or other art subject, and knowledge of/interest in the visual arts and in particular photography and other lens based media. They will also have previous teaching/education assisting experience, excellent interpersonal skills and organisational ability, and be flexible and work well within a team. The ability to communicate in Welsh and a mature understanding of Equal Opportunities are a distinct advantage.
This internship will be recruited through the GO Wales scheme and is available only to graduates who live in Wales. Please the GO Wales website for eligibility details: http://www.gowales.co.uk/en/Graduate/information/eligibilityFurtherInfo.html
Full time, £250 per week for 10 weeks