Photographers required

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Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 00:00

Manchester-based company is seeking photographers.

Union Street Media Arts, a budding Social Enterprise, based in Old Trafford, is looking for photographers from a variety of disciples to put on their books for future work. Clients range from commercial and corporate to community and voluntary sector organsiations. They are looking to hold interviews with prospective candidates and need to see a portfolio. They welcome candidates from the following disciplines; documentary, photo journalism, commercial, family, portrait, wedding, landscape, wildlife, advertising and editorial.
Interested parties please contact Natasha on 0161 877 3124/07595 583822 or email


Photographers required....Members only? Members of what?

I'm logged into my Redeye account and still it says members only...I think I want to join this secret society it all very hush hush.


Yes me too...

Yes me too...

Same thing for me.

Hello all, you may have noticed that Redeye has launched a membership. In addition to the information that subscribers receive, members will have additional benefits such as discounts to events but also access to commissions and other opportunities that will be visible to members only. For further details please have a look on our 'Join' page.
Apologies if you have missed the email announcing our new membership but hope this explains. Nothing 'sectret society' about it! This will mean though that even if you are logged in as a subscriber but have not paid for a membership you will not be able to see the members only information.


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