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Monday, June 26, 2017 - 23:00

The 10th edition of Renaissance Photography Prize is now open for entries. The annual prize discovers talent and celebrates the best in photography, giving image makers access to new opportunities and a worldwide audience for their work.

With judges from The Photographers’ Gallery, Foam, the Guardian and more, entering gives photographers the chance to have their work seen by a panel of some of the industry's most influential photography critics. All finalists of the 2017 prize get exhibited in London, UK and there are valuable prizes to be won.

In addition to providing opportunities and exposure for the selected photographers each year, the prize fundraise thousands of pounds each year for charity. All profit is donated to The Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care, UK.

You can enter single and/or series of work and the prize is open to everyone, welcoming submissions from all countries.

More information can be found here.


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