What’s changing in your life, and how are you coping? What’s on your photographic radar? What does photography need? What can Redeye do?

Photography has always been at the forefront of change and new ideas. The photographic world is changing and will continue to change. Please come and share your thoughts and concerns at one or more of our discussion events. They are very informal. We will start with a different question and subject each time but who knows where the conversation might wander. Sit round a table to join in, or just listen.

Our first Come and Chat event will be based around the topics of Representation and Authorship.

1. Representation, ethics and the role of the photographer: what if any responsibilities does the photographer have? 

2. Authorship, ownership, collaborations. Who owns what you produce? How much does that matter, or does it restrict your possibilities? How do you find it to collaborate?

Usually these events will be recorded to help us make sure we don’t miss any ideas, and we might broadcast snippets via the web or social media; but if you want to discuss something off the record, that’s fine too - just let us know either in advance or when you arrive, and we will switch off the recorder.


Who is it for?
Anyone with an interest in photography. We would like to get as broad a range of opinions as possible so whatever your level of experience, if the topics we will be discussing are of interest to you please come along. Sit round a table to join in, or just listen.

Tuesday 10th December. Doors open 5:30pm and the event will take place from 6-9pm. Come any time - you don’t need to be there at the start or end. We will have short breaks at 7pm and 8pm.

This event will take place in the Jasmine Suite at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, 13 Thomas Street, Manchester M4 1EU.
The venue is fully accessible but for more information, click here.

Free to attend and free wine and snacks will be provided. Please register your attendance below so we know how many people to expect.


Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network