Redeye seeks board members

27 June 2008, 00:00

Redeye, the Photography Network, is looking to appoint new non-executive directors to its board.

Redeye is a not-for-profit organisation set up to support photographers and improve the health of photography. We deliver an ambitious and internationally respected programme of professional development activities including network events, lectures, workshops, symposia, debate, advice and information, through advocacy and partnership working. We recognise that a growing number of photographers work across disciplines and in other fields, and we address this diversity in our activities.

We're after people who love photography, support what Redeye does, and would be willing and able to help govern it and advocate enthusiastically for Redeye across the broad business and public sector community. We are especially seeking people with experience and contacts in any of the following areas: business, accountancy, law, human resources, education, the public or voluntary sectors, or other similar professions. The posts are unpaid and you would be needed for up to eight meetings and events per year, mostly in Manchester. Appointments are for a three year period. If this sounds like you, please email for further info. All emails will be acknowledged - if you don't receive a reply please contact 0845 456 0260.

Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network