Redeye's Rethink Sessions aim to help photographers and artists navigate and adapt to the COVID-19 crisis; to reprioritise, and find new ideas and income during the pandemic and beyond. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed our daily lives. Moving forwards we know how effectively we can collectively adapt and reprioritise; should we and how we can apply this to the climate crisis?

For the next Rethink Session Phil Korbel, social entrepreneur and co-founder of  The Carbon Literacy Project, will join the discussion. We will look at how artists can get more actively involved; make their own arts practice carbon neutral; and use visual communication skills to spread the message. Can we make a positive impact on the planet an integral part of this ‘new normal’?


Phil Korbel is a long-standing social entrepreneur, broadcaster and community activist based in Manchester. He wants to leave his children ‘a future, not an apology’.

Phil has been a long-time activist for sustainable development, moving from local work with Friends of the Earth in the 1980’s to riding a tandem back from Sydney raising awareness of rainforest conservation in 1990. Having studied law at Manchester Polytechnic, Phil enjoyed a successful career in radio working as a presenter and producer of features and documentaries for BBC Network Radio and working for programmes as diverse as You and Yours and Mark Radcliffe.

In 1999 he was the moving force behind setting up the leading community media charity Radio Regen ( working in community engagement and creating community solutions from the ground up.

His social enterprise Cooler Projects was established to promote ideas, action and advocacy for a low carbon future.  Its creation, The Carbon Literacy Project is a unique framework for action-based climate training.  There are now over 14000 Carbon Literate people across 10 nations.  He lives in Stockport with his partner, two daughters, cats, dog and hens.


Who is it for?

This event is free and open to all. Recommended for photographers, artists and other creators, and anyone taking a long view of how the pandemic might affect things.


Tuesday 26th May 2020, 6pm - 7:15pm.


Online! Booking will close on Tuesday 26th May at 2pm and we will then be in touch with everyone who has registered with the meeting code and password. You will need an internet connection and a computer, smartphone or tablet. This event will take place over Zoom, you don't need an account to join in but if you have an older browser you might find that the desktop app runs more smoothly.


Please register for free by 2pm on Tuesday 26th May to receive your invitation to the meeting.


Redeye, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Market Buildings, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1EU, UK
© 2010–2024 Redeye The Photography Network